Title: PIC Microcontrollers - Programming in C
Author: Milan Verle
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: mikroElektronika; 1st edition (2009)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-86-84417-17-8
Paperback Color: Two Color
Covers Color: Full Color
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Price: $24.00 USD
Chapter 1: World of Microcontrollers
Chapter 2: Programming Microcontrollers
Chapter 3: PIC16F887 Microcontroller
Chapter 4: Examples
- 4.3 EXAMPLE 1 - Writing header, configuring I/O pins, using delay function and switch operator
- 4.4 EXAMPLE 2 - Using assembly instructions and internal oscillator LFINTOSC...
- 4.5 EXAMPLE 3 - TMR0 as a counter, declaring new variables, enumerated constants, using relay ...
- 4.6 EXAMPLE 4 - Using timers TMR0, TMR1 and TMR2. Using interrupts, declaring new function...
- 4.7 EXAMPLE 5 - Using watch-dog timer
- 4.8 EXAMPLE 6 - Module CCP1 as PWM signal generator
- 4.9 EXAMPLE 7 - Using A/D converter
- 4.10 EXAMPLE 8 - Using EEPROM Memory
- 4.11 EXAMPLE 9 - Two-digit LED counter, multiplexing
- 4.12 EXAMPLE 10 - Using LCD display
- 4.13 EXAMPLE 11 - RS232 serial communication
- 4.14 EXAMPLE 12 - Temperature measurement using DS1820 sensor. Use of 1-wire protocol...
- 4.15 EXAMPLE 13 - Sound generation, sound library...
- 4.16 EXAMPLE 14 - Using graphic LCD display
- 4.17 EXAMPLE 15 - Using touch panel...
Appendix A: It's Time for Fun
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